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-->Our VBS is Monday – Thursday (July 17-20), from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We have classes for ages 4 to Adult. 4 and 5 year olds, Jr/Sr. High, and Adults have their own individual classes. All other ages (K-1st grade, 2nd-3rd grade, 4th-5th grade) will go through various Bible centers, crafts, games, and refreshments nightly. Thursday night we have supervised outdoor, carnival type activities for all the kids. Parents/caregivers are invited and will tour through the Bible centers, followed by ice cream, cookies, and fellowship with our members.
Our schedule is as follows:
Kids will attend 4 centers each night (2 Bible centers, a puppet and singing center, and Crafts/Games/Refreshments). Each group has group leaders (at least 3-4/group) to help supervise and lead groups to various centers.